Monday, May 1, 2023

יקום פורקן - המשך

A perusal of the ספרדי סדורים that I have collected indicates that ספרדים [1] do not say יקום פורקן. This would seem to be a result of the fact, as discussed here, יקום פורקן is a תפלה for the ריש גלותא, a no-longer extant position. To this end, ספרדי communities do not say יקום פורקן.

A slightly different objection to saying יקום פורקן was apparently made to the Chief Rabbi of England, namely that יקום פורקן is an anomaly, in that the ריש גלותא and the ישיבות of בבל are no more. He responded that this is a mistaken view in light of the addition (in his text of the סדור) of the words די בכל ארעת גלותנא (my translation: "in all the lands of our exile") making the תפלה applicable to our own times. Nevertheless, the omission of יקום פורקן was, as of the publication of The Authorized Daily Prayer Book, sanctioned in English Synagogues. [2]

[1] specifically Syrian (Siddur Abir Yaacob, Sephardic Press 2002), Kavkazi (סידור תפילה רינת קווקז, גבריאל דוידוב תשפ), Persian (A Sephardic Daily and Sabbath Siddur, Sephardic Traditions Foundation 2016), Spanish-Portuguese (Book of Prayers According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, Union of Sephardic Congregations 1997), as well as סידור יחוה דעת (מכון יחוה דעת תשנה), which is not particular to any specific local custom but rather follows the פסקים of ר עובדיה יוסף.

Anyone who can provide me with access to סדורים of other distinct communities (ספרדי or otherwise) would be much appreciated.

[2] Hertz, 1948; see pgs. 499-503

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